Matha - Thunderfury< Legacy >


World of Warcraft


The Burning Crusade - Raid


The Burning Crusade

Go to the Attune page.

Gear Profiles:

Level 70 Human Priest   14/0/47
Health: 6601
Mana: 7320

Strength: 45
Agility: 51
Stamina: 339
Intellect: 332
Spirit: 172
Armor: 2803

Caster DPS
Spell crit: 10.96%
Spell hit: 0%
Arcane spell power: 845
Fire spell power: 845
Nature spell power: 845
Frost spell power: 1078
Shadow spell power: 1246
2021-09-15 16:46:19


Enchanting Tailoring
Void Sphere
Large Prismatic Shard
Runed Eternium Rod
Nexus Transformation
Prismatic Sphere
Small Prismatic Shard
Smoking Heart of the Mountain
Greater Magic Wand
Greater Mystic Wand
Lesser Magic Wand
Lesser Mystic Wand
Runed Adamantite Rod
Superior Mana Oil
Enchanted Leather
Enchanted Thorium
Lesser Mana Oil
Lesser Wizard Oil
Minor Mana Oil
Minor Wizard Oil
Runed Arcanite Rod
Runed Copper Rod
Runed Fel Iron Rod
Runed Golden Rod
Runed Silver Rod
Runed Truesilver Rod
Superior Wizard Oil
Wizard Oil
Enchant 2H Weapon - Savagery
Enchant Boots - Dexterity
Enchant Boots - Vitality
Enchant Bracer - Assault
Enchant Bracer - Brawn
Enchant Bracer - Fortitude
Enchant Bracer - Major Defense
Enchant Bracer - Major Intellect
Enchant Bracer - Restore Mana Prime
Enchant Bracer - Spellpower
Enchant Bracer - Stats
Enchant Bracer - Superior Healing
Enchant Chest - Exceptional Health
Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats
Enchant Chest - Major Resilience
Enchant Chest - Major Spirit
Enchant Chest - Restore Mana Prime
Enchant Cloak - Greater Agility
Enchant Cloak - Greater Arcane Resistance
Enchant Cloak - Greater Shadow Resistance
Enchant Cloak - Major Armor
Enchant Cloak - Major Resistance
Enchant Cloak - Spell Penetration
Enchant Gloves - Assault
Enchant Gloves - Blasting
Enchant Gloves - Major Healing
Enchant Gloves - Major Spellpower
Enchant Gloves - Major Strength
Enchant Gloves - Spell Strike
Enchant Ring - Healing Power
Enchant Ring - Striking
Enchant Shield - Intellect
Enchant Shield - Major Stamina
Enchant Shield - Resilience
Enchant Shield - Resistance
Enchant Shield - Shield Block
Enchant Shield - Tough Shield
Enchant Weapon - Major Healing
Enchant Weapon - Major Intellect
Enchant Weapon - Major Spellpower
Enchant Weapon - Mongoose
Enchant Weapon - Potency
Enchant Weapon - Soulfrost
Enchant Weapon - Sunfire
Enchant Bracer - Minor Deflection
Enchant 2H Weapon - Greater Impact
Enchant 2H Weapon - Impact
Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Impact
Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Intellect
Enchant 2H Weapon - Lesser Spirit
Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Intellect
Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Spirit
Enchant 2H Weapon - Minor Impact
Enchant 2H Weapon - Superior Impact
Enchant Boots - Greater Agility
Enchant Boots - Greater Stamina
Enchant Boots - Lesser Agility
Enchant Boots - Lesser Spirit
Enchant Boots - Lesser Stamina
Enchant Boots - Minor Agility
Enchant Boots - Minor Speed
Enchant Boots - Minor Stamina
Enchant Boots - Spirit
Enchant Boots - Stamina
Enchant Bracer - Greater Spirit
Enchant Bracer - Greater Stamina
Enchant Bracer - Greater Strength
Enchant Bracer - Intellect
Enchant Bracer - Lesser Deflection
Enchant Bracer - Lesser Intellect
Enchant Bracer - Lesser Spirit
Enchant Bracer - Lesser Stamina
Enchant Bracer - Lesser Strength
Enchant Bracer - Minor Agility
Enchant Bracer - Minor Health
Enchant Bracer - Minor Spirit
Enchant Bracer - Minor Stamina
Enchant Bracer - Minor Strength
Enchant Bracer - Spirit
Enchant Bracer - Stamina
Enchant Bracer - Strength
Enchant Bracer - Superior Spirit
Enchant Bracer - Superior Stamina
Enchant Bracer - Superior Strength
Enchant Chest - Greater Health
Enchant Chest - Greater Mana
Enchant Chest - Greater Stats
Enchant Chest - Health
Enchant Chest - Lesser Absorption
Enchant Chest - Lesser Health
Enchant Chest - Lesser Mana
Enchant Chest - Lesser Stats
Enchant Chest - Major Health
Enchant Chest - Major Mana
Enchant Chest - Mana
Enchant Chest - Minor Absorption
Enchant Chest - Minor Health
Enchant Chest - Minor Mana
Enchant Chest - Minor Stats
Enchant Chest - Stats
Enchant Chest - Superior Mana
Enchant Cloak - Defense
Enchant Cloak - Fire Resistance
Enchant Cloak - Greater Defense
Enchant Cloak - Greater Resistance
Enchant Cloak - Lesser Agility
Enchant Cloak - Lesser Fire Resistance
Enchant Cloak - Lesser Protection
Enchant Cloak - Lesser Shadow Resistance
Enchant Cloak - Minor Agility
Enchant Cloak - Minor Protection
Enchant Cloak - Minor Resistance
Enchant Cloak - Resistance
Enchant Cloak - Stealth
Enchant Cloak - Subtlety
Enchant Cloak - Superior Defense
Enchant Gloves - Advanced Mining
Enchant Gloves - Agility
Enchant Gloves - Fishing
Enchant Gloves - Greater Agility
Enchant Gloves - Greater Strength
Enchant Gloves - Mining
Enchant Gloves - Minor Haste
Enchant Gloves - Skinning
Enchant Gloves - Strength
Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility
Enchant Gloves - Threat
Enchant Ring - Spellpower
Enchant Shield - Greater Spirit
Enchant Shield - Lesser Protection
Enchant Shield - Lesser Spirit
Enchant Shield - Lesser Stamina
Enchant Shield - Minor Stamina
Enchant Shield - Spirit
Enchant Shield - Stamina
Enchant Shield - Superior Spirit
Enchant Weapon - Crusader
Enchant Weapon - Demonslaying
Enchant Weapon - Fiery Weapon
Enchant Weapon - Greater Striking
Enchant Weapon - Icy Chill
Enchant Weapon - Lesser Beastslayer
Enchant Weapon - Lesser Elemental Slayer
Enchant Weapon - Lifestealing
Enchant Weapon - Minor Beastslayer
Enchant Weapon - Minor Striking
Enchant Weapon - Striking
Enchant Weapon - Superior Striking
Enchant Weapon - Unholy Weapon
Battlecast Hood
Frozen Shadoweave Boots
Frozen Shadoweave Robe
Frozen Shadoweave Shoulders
Resolute Cape
Spellstrike Pants
Soulcloth Shoulders
Soulcloth Vest
Golden Spellthread
Arcanoweave Robe
Flameheart Vest
Arcanoweave Boots
Flameheart Gloves
Imbued Netherweave Robe
Imbued Netherweave Tunic
Arcanoweave Bracers
Bracers of Havok
Cloak of Arcane Evasion
Flameheart Bracers
Spellfire Bag
Ebon Shadowbag
Primal Mooncloth
Primal Mooncloth Bag
Silver Spellthread
Runed Stygian Belt
Runed Stygian Leggings
Mooncloth Vest
Dreamweave Circlet
Dreamweave Gloves
Dreamweave Vest
Robe of Power
Spidersilk Boots
Netherweave Tunic
Netherweave Robe
Netherweave Belt
Netherweave Bracers
Imbued Netherweave Bag
Bolt of Imbued Netherweave
Bag of Jewels
Netherweave Bag
Felcloth Shoulders
Felcloth Robe
Runecloth Shoulders
Wizardweave Turban
Mooncloth Bag
Wizardweave Robe
Runecloth Headband
Brightcloth Pants
Felcloth Hood
Ghostweave Pants
Felcloth Boots
Runecloth Pants
Cindercloth Pants
Frostweave Pants
Runecloth Boots
Brightcloth Cloak
Enchanted Runecloth Bag
Felcloth Pants
Ghostweave Vest
Runecloth Gloves
Wizardweave Leggings
Brightcloth Gloves
Brightcloth Robe
Cindercloth Gloves
Ghostweave Gloves
Frostweave Gloves
Ghostweave Belt
Runecloth Cloak
Cindercloth Vest
Runecloth Tunic
Frostweave Tunic
Runecloth Belt
Cindercloth Boots
Shadoweave Mask
Admiral's Hat
Red Mageweave Headband
Red Mageweave Shoulders
Black Mageweave Boots
Black Mageweave Headband
Black Mageweave Shoulders
Cindercloth Robe
Enchanted Mageweave Pouch
Red Mageweave Gloves
Black Mageweave Gloves
Red Mageweave Pants
Red Mageweave Vest
White Bandit Mask
Black Mageweave Robe
Crimson Silk Gloves
Black Mageweave Leggings
Black Mageweave Vest
Crimson Silk Robe
Earthen Silk Belt
Azure Shoulders
Crimson Silk Shoulders
Long Silken Cloak
Crimson Silk Cloak
Green Silken Shoulders
Spider Belt
Azure Silk Belt
Boots of the Enchanter
Crimson Silk Belt
Earthen Vest
Enchanter's Cowl
Green Silk Armor
Azure Silk Vest
Truefaith Gloves
Hands of Darkness
Azure Silk Pants
Spider Silk Slippers
Lesser Wizard's Robe
Gloves of Meditation
Phoenix Gloves
Phoenix Pants
Colorful Kilt
Greater Adept's Robe
Heavy Woolen Pants
Gray Woolen Robe
Heavy Woolen Cloak
Blue Overalls
Red Woolen Boots
Pearl-clasped Cloak
Woolen Boots
Heavy Woolen Gloves
Soft-soled Linen Boots
Barbaric Linen Vest
Blue Linen Robe
Handstitched Linen Britches
Blue Linen Vest
Red Linen Vest
Brown Linen Robe
Red Linen Robe
White Linen Robe
Bolt of Soulcloth
Bolt of Netherweave
Netherweave Net
Bolt of Runecloth
Runecloth Bag
Simple Black Dress
Bolt of Mageweave
Orange Mageweave Shirt
Black Swashbuckler's Shirt
Orange Martial Shirt
Crimson Silk Pantaloons
Crimson Silk Vest
Bolt of Silk Cloth
Mageweave Bag
Red Mageweave Bag
Red Swashbuckler's Shirt
White Wedding Dress
Formal White Shirt
Silk Headband
White Swashbuckler's Shirt
Dark Silk Shirt
Azure Silk Hood
Bright Yellow Shirt
Black Silk Pack
Bolt of Woolen Cloth
Green Silk Pack
Small Silk Pack
Stylish Blue Shirt
Stylish Green Shirt
Reinforced Woolen Shoulders
Double-stitched Woolen Shoulders
Stylish Red Shirt
White Woolen Dress
Gray Woolen Shirt
Green Woolen Vest
Woolen Cape
Green Woolen Bag
Red Woolen Bag
Simple Kilt
Woolen Bag
Green Linen Shirt
Linen Boots
Green Linen Bracers
Reinforced Linen Cape
Blue Linen Shirt
Bolt of Linen Cloth
Brown Linen Pants
Heavy Linen Gloves
Red Linen Shirt
Simple Dress
Linen Belt
Simple Linen Boots
Brown Linen Vest
Brown Linen Shirt
Simple Linen Pants
White Linen Shirt
Linen Cloak
Linen Bag
Red Linen Bag
Festival Dress
Festival Suit